How to use the directory:

The directory consist of information which is available to all users and further information which is only available to registered users who are logged in.

Registration is FREE and only requests your email address and can be done using either your social media login or the login form.

No credit card number is required. There are no fees. Other information may be requested to help us better match your requirements but it is not mandatory.

Register for FREE here


Contact: Quanta com
Work 13/524 (IMOLA Business Park) Abernethy Rd, Kewdale(6105), WA 13/524 (IMOLA Business Park) Abernethy Rd, Kewdale(6105), WA Australia Perth WA 6105 Australia Website: QuantaCom


Quantacom was launched to bridge the gap between ICT companies’ support functions and SMBs in Western Australia. As more SMBs are engaging in the tech transformation by taking their operations online or adopting other Internet-of-Things-based solutions, it is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses to have the support of a credible and qualified local ICT company. We not only upgrade out-of-date connectivity, communication, and cybersecurity solutions, but we also serve you with competent Account Managers that you may consult in the event of a need.


  • BPO
Updated 5 months ago.