How to use the directory:

The directory consist of information which is available to all users and further information which is only available to registered users who are logged in.

Registration is FREE and only requests your email address and can be done using either your social media login or the login form.

No credit card number is required. There are no fees. Other information may be requested to help us better match your requirements but it is not mandatory.

Register for FREE here


Contact: David Borden
Work 27th Floor IBM Plaza Philippines Eastwood NCR 1110 Website: C9Digtal


As a boutique firm, our approach is to combine the creative and analytical thinking to empower our clients to achieve market domination and success within their industry. We believe you’re interested for a partner in the Philippines that can offer your team something unique. A more insightful approach to solving business challenges and achieving results that add real value to your brand.

We’re excited to work with clients who are as passionate about their brands as we are about serving them, who are looking to have fun and work with a team that takes what they do very seriously.


We are an eccentric team of artists, entrepreneurs and business professionals who believe that work should both challenging and fun. When we work with a client, we’re the kind of partner who wants to make sure that your business strategy will be a massive success. We’ll help you discover new ideas and insights leading to new breakthroughs and results. We won’t rest until you realize your vision and manifest the goals you’re aiming for.


We believe digital marketing is less about the technology and more about the psychology. Our campaigns succeed because we take the time to understand who your target market is first, and as a result, can craft compelling stories and messages that immerse them with your brand. Digital Marketing for us is equally about story telling as it is about ad spend, analytics and conversion.


We got started as a team managing the customer service and sales teams for one of the biggest drone companies in the United States. We work with brands and organizations in need of inbound and outbound services. We also provide outsourcing staff for digital marketing agencies in need of a qualified team.

  • BPO
  • BPO Support Services
  • Customer Contact Centers
  • Filipino Owned
  • US Owned
Updated 5 months ago.