How to use the directory:

The directory consist of information which is available to all users and further information which is only available to registered users who are logged in.

Registration is FREE and only requests your email address and can be done using either your social media login or the login form.

No credit card number is required. There are no fees. Other information may be requested to help us better match your requirements but it is not mandatory.

Register for FREE here

Hit Rate Solutions

Contact: Maridel Salgado
Work 1603 Capitol Avenue, Suite 413-P Cheyenne Wyoming 82009 United States Website: Hit Rate Solutions


Hit Rate Solutions serve Small and Medium sized companies delivering top level BPO service at a cost point that makes sense. They provide a quality technical infrastructure that allows each of our reps to maximize his ability through various CRM, Knowledge Management and other web applications. Their infrastructure combined with our management’s unique training process delivers high quality results at an affordable cost.

  • Customer Contact Centers
  • Filipino Owned
Updated 5 months ago.