Guest: Alex Garcia
Presenter: Henry Acosta
Guest Bio: Canecio Nick Mesias aka Alex Garcia is the CEO of Virtual Assistants 4 Real Estate Investors (VA4REI) and Virtual Assistants 4 Real Estate Agents (VA4REA) and the founder of VA Davao, a famous local group of Virtual Assistants and one of the founding officers of Davao Virtual Assistants Association (DVAA), one of the largest local group of remote workers. After spending nearly a decade working remotely and marketing for his startup company, Alex knows what truly drives conversions, and it’s not mastering the marketing flavor of the week. It’s how well you connect with the heart-beating people you’re trying to help and communicate your understanding back to them. Alex holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English from the University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP).
Segment overview: In this episode, CEO of Virtual Assistants 4 Real Estate Investors Alex Garcia joins us to share insights about their company. VA4REI‘s goal is to help Real Estate Investors increase productivity by eliminating their daily grunt works in the most efficient way possible. Alex takes a vision and makes it reality through strategy development. He intuitively sees the threads of opportunity that wind through a company, brings them together into a coherent whole, helps others extend their thinking, and drives material business advantage. He has connections to different Real Estate gurus in the US, like Duncan Weirman, Tim Cook, and Rony Velasquez. In addition to his extensive home-based and marketing experience, Alex is a trained sales, customer and technical support consultant in some of the known BPO industry in the Philippines. For the past two years, the company has grown from 1 to more than 25 clients across the United States. From 1 employee they grew to more than 15 employees and the company’s trajectory is going higher and higher each month.
Address: Unit 2G, 2nd Floor, RC Kids Apartelle, #73 East DBPO Village, Ma-a, Davao City
Contact: (INT’L) +1 321-200-0155